Repurposed resonates with high-achievers. They are people that are successful, used to solving problems and “figuring it out.” However, winning at your work or business does not automatically mean you’ll win in retirement. Being resourceful is a good thing, but trying to figure everything out on your own is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to retirement.
Don’t follow conventional retirement wisdom
Traditional wisdom on retirement will leave you unfulfilled. The American dream of retirement is a façade. The way retirement is marketed in today’s world is a new idea created within the last 100 years and rooted in lies. When you see other people operating in retirement, don’t assume they are doing it right. There’s a different way to do retirement, but it won’t be in conventional wisdom.
You don’t know what you don’t know
The first time you do anything; chances are it’s not your best. There’s usually a long list of unknowns you’re not aware of until the problem arises. Retirement is no different. No matter how much money you have in retirement, if you don’t get the non-financial side of retirement right (which is littered with things you don’t know), it won’t matter.
Ready to take the next step? Repurposed University will show you these unknowns and prepare you for a passionate, fulfilling and impactful retirement.
Jerrid Sebesta
Co-Founder of Retire Repurposed