Finding Repurpose Begins by Looking Back

Whether you were raising children, growing companies, or working long hours with co-workers, you could find purpose and see where you were adding value. For most of you, there were parts of your days that energized you, where we really felt like you were using our God-given abilities. There were also days where you felt stuck, or felt like you didn’t get much accomplished.

When becoming Repurposed, we hope to help you find and have more of those days where you feel both energized and ready to do more to impact the people around you. We want to help you dig deeper to both reflect on the past and look toward the future to help you plan for what can be the best years of your life

During our lives, we have a wide variety of experiences that span both mountaintops and valleys. We can gain wisdom and insight through each. However, what makes them truly meaningful is reflecting upon each experience. Reflection and evaluation transform our experiences into insight and wisdom. This starting point in the Repurposed process is intended to help you both remember and reflect on these experiences.

Here are some questions to begin this reflection process:

*What was your best day at work?

*What gives you energy?

*What are/were parts of you job you like/dislike?

*What are you most proud of?

*What experiences, positive or negative, have shaped you?

*What experiences have had the most impact on you?

Want more?

Listen to the full episode of Retire Repurposed here:

Retired Repurposed Available on Apple Podcasts

Jerrid Sebesta

Co-Founder of Retire Repurposed

Co-Founder of Retire Repurposed Jerrid Sebesta