Executives, by nature, have strong leadership skills which can give them tremendous influence once retired. However, there’s a mantra executives need to adopt in retirement to transition their success into something truly significant.
What are characteristics of executives?
*Servant leaders: The best executives are the best leaders – and the best leaders have a servant-heart. They are driven to help other people win. In other words, when people win, leaders win.
*Vision-driven: Executives are able to create and cast vision onto the people they are leading. As a result, people will follow.
*Strong communication skills: To be an executive and a leader, communication is key. Being able to listen, making sure everyone has a voice is crucial along with the ability to convey important messages.
*Expertise: By the time an executive retires, they are at the height of their game. The ability to lead and add value to their company and staff is peaking.
What is an executive’s mentality toward retirement?
Leading is hard. Lots of sacrifices have been made for the good of the company and staff. So, oftentimes, executives are a bit tired and ready for retirement. Another reason executives are ready for retirement is because they have prepared well in advance. Succession plans have been made and the next leader has been developed. Also, while working executives are usually good vacationers. They need time to “get away” and decompress. Their mentality is “when I’m resting, I’m resting”, so the jump into retirement isn’t as shell-shocking as people from other vocational backgrounds.
What can an executive do to thrive in retirement?
*Start with self-reflection: Many executives spend their initial season following retirement as an intentional time to reflect. We highly encourage this sabbatical period. Enjoy the rest, but use it to contemplate your next move or season.
*Maintain vision-casting: Executives have made a career casting vision. This attribute needs to continue in retirement. Society will tell executives vision-casting isn’t important anymore because of their age – not true!
*Transition into significance: Success has taken executives nearly as far as it could while working. Retirement is the time to transition from success into significance. Stretch beyond the next project and into a mindset that says, “How many people can I impact in the next generation?”
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Jerrid Sebesta
Co-Founder of Retire Repurposed