Retirement Lies: Work is a Bad Thing

Unfortunately, work has a bad reputation in today’s culture. Furthermore, retirement has come to be known as the pathway to set us free from our jobs. This lie actually stems backs to another lie: retirement will make you happy. The truth is that the only way to flourish, even in retirement, is by working.

Where does the lie come from?

The sales pitch on retirement is that it will make us happy. We’re told the biggest obstacle between us and true life is eliminating work. If we were free from the burdens of schedules and responsibilities, then we could experience life at its highest level. Obviously, you don’t have to speculate the reason society tends to have a negative connotation towards work.

What’s the result?

The biggest problem with this lie is that it makes us resent work. Work is a great thing because it is a medium by which we can add value to others and society. Instead, too many people get caught up in a TGIF mentality. Once retired, you may even experience increased social pressure and expectancy NOT to work. People end up looking down on you if you do choose to work in retirement. They will assume you are only doing it because you need the money.

What’s the truth?

The truth is that you were created to work. The origin of man begins with the concept of work – what does that tell us? Genesis 2:15 says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Adam tended garden and named the animals. However, the fall of man in Genesis 3 changed everything. Instead, the land was cursed and work became toilsome.

Another truth is that the only way to flourish in retirement is to work. There’s a sense of satisfaction by accomplishing something, serving others and adding value. Whether you choose to work in retirement for a paycheck or not is irrelevant. Remember, you were created for work. The COVID-19 lockdowns proved this to many of us. Question: where you at your best during the lockdowns, perhaps, when you were forced not to work, add value, and accomplish tasks?

Consider the benefits of work:

  • How does/did work give me purpose?
  • How are/were your skills, abilities and passions used to deliver value to others?
  • What will/do you miss about work?
  • How are you going to replace this when retired?

Want more?

Listen to the full episode of Retire Repurposed here:

Retired Repurposed Available on Apple Podcasts

Jerrid Sebesta

Co-Founder of Retire Repurposed

Co-Founder of Retire Repurposed Jerrid Sebesta