Perhaps you just got a flashback with a school teacher asking about your unfinished homework. Good news, we’re not talking about school assignments here – rather, your assignment for life and retirement. Recently, I heard a local pastor speak at a business luncheon. He suggested everyone from birth has an assignment unique to you and you only. The assignment is ongoing and doesn’t stop until death. Furthermore, this pastor went on to explain that all of us have a special ability to solve problems. God plants a gift inside of us – and when we operate inside that gift, purpose and impact are a result.
What a powerful word for retirees!
Living a Repurposed retirement is an opportunity to continue to be “on assignment.” One major piece of that assignment is your who. Finding and defining your who is an important step in the Repurposed process. However, first you must identify your abilities – more specifically your skills and talents. Talents are God-given; things that come naturally. Skills are abilities that you learn and grow throughout your life and career. Then, identify your passions. What excites or energizes you? What makes you most happy? What is something that sets your heart on fire? These are all leading questions that may help you hone-in on your passion.
Once you’ve established these categories, move on to your who. It’s helpful to break your who down into specific groups.
Community: Is there a specific people-group you are drawn to? What group of people has God placed on your heart? Is there a specific geographical location you’re drawn to?
Friendships: What friends hold a special place in your heart? What personal relationships could use or need more nurturing? Do you have a friend that is hurting or needs help that you could provide?
Family: In most cases your family who is your children and grandchildren. However, are there other members of your family that could be a specific player in your assignment.
Spouse: Remember, your assignment as a married person is to help your spouse become everything he or she was created to be.
As you work through this process, begin connecting the dots. Start brainstorming ways your abilities, passions and your who can come together to live with purpose and impact in your retirement.
This is your assignment.
Jerrid Sebesta
Co-Founder of Retire Repurposed