Discovering Repurpose: Knowing Your Abilities

Oftentimes, people think they can simply walk away from using their abilities in retirement and not miss them. Just like in your working years, you will be most fulfilled when recognizing and operating in your abilities.

Finding Repurpose Begins by Looking Back

You can’t just retire from something. You must Repurpose and retire to something. So, how do you do that? Discovering Repurpose actually begins by looking back into the past.

Retirement Case Studies: The Support Staff

Support staff offer some of the most critical roles within a company. They help keep an organization running and support the people that work there. The dedication support staff have to companies may lead to feelings of loss in retirement. Here’s a breakdown of support staff and ways they can transition from working into retirement.

Retirement Case Studies: The Teacher

Teaching is not an easy job. However, it’s hard to argue the impact teachers have on students, families and communities. While there are several aspects of retirement that should make teachers proceed with caution, in our experience, few people transition into retirement as well as teachers.

Retirement Case Studies: The Executive

Executives, by nature, have strong leadership skills which can give them tremendous influence once retired. However, there’s a mantra executives need to adopt in retirement to transition their success into something truly significant.

Retirement Case Studies: The Business Owner

Business owners have special characteristics that can make them powerful influencers in retirement. But, oftentimes they find too much of their identity in work and have a hard time letting go.

Retirement Case Studies: The Blue-Collar Worker

Blue-collar workers’ viewpoint on work, leisure and money makes them prime candidates to struggle with retirement if done incorrectly.  However, there are specific things a blue-collar worker can do to make sure the transition into retirement is smooth and fulfilling.

Three Reasons for Retirement Lies

There are motives behind every lie – to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). We breakdown three major reasons so many lie exist regarding retirement.